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Writer's pictureHannah Hempenstall

Do you long for a day of silence?

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

Retreating and shedding are natural cycles. The cooler months are a time to hibernate, recharge and reconsider things. They're an invitation to take some purposeful time out.

But many of us don't.

Unfortunately we've gotten so used to 'pushing on' that we've ended up in a work-work-work cycle. Which, even if we work from home or are retired, it means we're far more likely to be heading towards burn out.

We tell ourselves I'll take time out after the … or next year when I'm … or once I've sorted out the …

You know the drill.

Life can be full and hectic. But without a moment to catch our breath, we're running on adrenaline and that creates something called allostatic load. In other words: excessive wear and tear.

The good news is, there are ways to decompress that can help bring us back into a more optimal level of wellbeing.

One way is to attend a retreat.

On a meditation retreat, we arrive with the intention to create spaciousness and stillness. We are led on a journey of discovery and reconnection. We are guided to once again make friends with our inner world.

Retreats provide us with dedicated time to s-l-o-w everything d-o-w-n.

We get to enjoy the sanctity of a day Just For Me.

Imagine how enriched you might feel after immersing yourself in Nature and allowing your whole day to be a meditation. I wonder … you might rediscover what lies beneath all that busyness.

As you enter the quiet stillness.

Reconnect with your inner sanctuary.

Retreats have a way of helping us witness our patterns. We get to see why and where we automatically reach out to fill the space with noise, or work, or how we give all our time to others …

What many people notice is how they think differently on a retreat. We're given the space to be silent. To not have to look at our phone. Not check our emails. We get to check out and check IN with ourselves.

It can often feel like a whole weight has been lifted. We can feel like we've dropped a few kilos or laid down a few layers of whatever we were unconsciously holding onto.

We even eat differently on a retreat. Meals are prepared … there's no washing up … no thinking about what to consume. It's all there … healthy and nourishing food and the time to savour it.

Some people eat less on retreat others eat more. We feel like we're nourishing our needs rather than doing things on autopilot.

It's an empowering opportunity to reset and rethink.

It's a time to be in the moment and Be Yourself… you get to be taken on a journey … you come to realise how much our whole Life is a meditation … that every moment provides a window of Hope and Love.

  • Retreats are a sacred space.

  • Retreats are a place away from the hustle and bustle.

  • Retreats are an experience that begins the moment you say yes.

After many years attending retreats and witnessing my own unravelling, I'm now venturing into holding that space for others.

I've been held through incredible journeys by people who were willing to offer their time and love to help me find myself, and I'd like to do the same for you.

If you feel called to do so.

If you trust me to be your guide, it would be my absolute honour to help steer you back to your heart by way of a full day of meditation and sacred stillness in the beautiful Sunshine Coast hinterland .

To assist you on your journey towards more serenity and deeper self-trust.

Are you ready for that day too?

Next retreat : Friday 19 November 2021.

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