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Body, Mind + Spirit

Stress is part of life and sometimes we just have to ride the wave. But, if you want some support, I offer a place where the whole of you is welcome: you can bring your anger, anxiety, intolerance, sadness, grief and more. It's easier when we share. We can gently move through it on the yoga mat, sit together in quiet meditation or reconnect to your wise advocate through intuitive guidance. Or, you can lie down and relax while you receive a soothing reflexology or reiki treatment. So many ways to feel better…


"Why can't I meditate?" is something I hear a lot. Good news is, you're not alone. If you want to learn how to meditate,  join a meditation class or are looking to refresh a lapsed practice, I have plenty of options. There are many styles of meditation and I tend towards Mindfulness and Guided Meditation. Both help to relax the mind and bring a sense of inner peace. Drop me a line if you have a question about meditation, I'm happy to help.


Feeling lost or stuck in a rut? Even though we know the answers are within, Intuitive Guidance will reconnect you with that inner wisdom. My sessions focus on steering you towards greater clarity and are a reminder that your own brilliance is always shining brightly. Most sessions last about 1 hour and you'll come away feeling more energised and motivated to move forward. Most of my clients are intelligent, professional women who like having someone to remind them they're doing a great job.


I incorporate traditional Hatha and Yin yoga to create classes that enhance flexibility and induce relaxation. I teach a slow practice that's great for women during perimenopause and anyone seeking a way to reconnect to their body (aches and all!). You don't need to be flexible or strong to attend. You'll be lying on your back for most if not all of the class and we'll stay in positions long enough for the body and mind to unwind.


Perimenopause is so much more than hot flashes and night sweats. If you're experiencing mood swings, weight gain, anger or hormone issues I'm currently interviewing women and experts for my book, Blood Sweat and Tears. If you have something to say about this topic and are open to being quoted in the book, please get in touch. In addition, I offer a weekly yin yoga class tailored for perimenopause where you'll feel more balanced  and learn how to listen to your body as you navigate the changes.

Reiki Treatment


Reflexology and Reiki are two complimentary therapies that can be combined or received on their own. Reflexology is a therapeutic foot massage that can aid relaxation and assist with detoxification and hormone rebalancing. Reiki is energy healing that can be done in person or via distance healing. Both are very soothing. My clients include people with anxiety, digestive issues, muscular dystrophy and terminal illness.


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